Wednesday 24 September 2014

Album 4: Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - (Pika Pika Fantajin)

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu is a Japanese music artist, born in 1993.

In Japan, there a several districts that are cultural hotspots, for example in the district of Harajuku.
Harajuku is an area in Japan that is the centre of the country's most extreme teen fashion and youth culture. < image reference at this link. < image reference at this link.

She creates music in the style of J-pop, otherwise known as Japanese pop. This genre of music is incredibly popular in Japanese youth culture, and she has a major influence on the majority of her Japanese followers. Many fans base their fashion sense on that of their favourite artist, and this goes for male and females, as there is often a sense of gender ambiguity in Japanese youth culture. < image reference at this link.
The above photo shows this practise of fashion trends. Here you can see a group of young Japanese women dressed up vividly in Harajuku, an area in Japan where youth culture is very prominent. < image reference at this link.
The photo above shows Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. She is the musician who created the album, in this blog. You can also see one of her album covers below, which was used in the album entitled 'Pika Pika Fantajin'. < image reference at this link.

Screenshot taken from Spotify.
The album is available on the Spotify music streaming service, so because of this I have been listening to the album over the past few days. The album is named after track #1 of the playlist, 'Pika Pika Fantajin'.

After listening to a lot of the album's songs, I feel like the album has a very jolly, upbeat sound about it. The artwork seems to reflect this through its use of bright, vivid colours, and the fact that the artist has a smile on her face. < screenshot taken from this link.
The album really expresses this sound, I believe the colour palette and imagery really capture the vibe, that is given off to the listener. < blog reference at this link.


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