Saturday 27 September 2014

Kerby Rosanes

Kerby Rosanes is a very talented artist and illustrator, who I discovered last year through social media.

His instagram page.

I can across his work through Facebook last year, and I have been very much into his work ever since. I have 'followed' his work on numerous sources ever since. < image reference at this link.

Rosales is a Philippines based illustrator who considers his art as a hobby, which has allowed him to use his talent to become a freelance illustrator. His work has featured in an assortment of magazines and publications.

He has had such big name clients such as Ford, Nike, Mazda, Huawei and the National Art Society.
He has a contact link via email, as well as his social media. < I may attempt to establish communications with him.

Some examples of his illustrative work I will feature below. < image reference at this link. < image reference at this link. < image referenec at this link. < image reference at this link.

His work all seems for the most part, to follow a central theme of ink. He often sticks with a very minimal tone arrangement, consisting of simple black and white.

I am a big fan of his work style, and he is an inspiration of mine.


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