Tuesday 23 September 2014

Concepts in Illustration

The work of concepts are extremely important in illustration. Concepts allow the artist to explore multiple options, and give a taster of what the final piece will appear as. It also can act as a plan for the final outcome.

The term concept art is widely featured in the world of motion picture development, as well as the production of video games, however this isn't all of the areas that concept art is used in.
I will highlight a few examples of concept art below.

http://i2.wp.com/www.cgmeetup.net/home/art/files/2013/04/Tangled-Characters-Concept-Artwork-16.jpg?resize=640%2C360 < image reference at this link.
Concept art for the movie, Tangled (Above and below). Most concept art begins as traditional pencil sketches, usually featuring a rough visual appearance.

http://collider.com/wp-content/uploads/tangled_visit_lithograph.jpg < image reference at this link.

The image below is concept art from the movie, 'Bladerunner'. It was interesting to learn that the setting for the movie was based on many elements of Middlesborough. This is so because the film director, Ridley Scott, grew up in the local area, and studied at CCAD. he found his influence from his hometown.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi40ks9OxYhgmg34w43QebJe5M3vEy4A9nm4f7RFnHdot4CWIBBbBHUR1acSeLxTvVV3-Mf9s7fgPuqYUba1VdPLS-SWLfBZuDM_G9NM7Zs6BRD1oaqe829dxarKB1LfNM01147_TB2KH-U/s1600/downtown2.jpg < image reference at this link.

https://www.facebook.com/194938750551626/photos/a.354943397884493.86885.194938750551626/611443055567858/?type=1&theater < image reference at this link.

Concept art can also be for products, even if they never go to market, (see image above), and it is vitally important to research this, as later on in my brief I will be developing a concept for a commercial product, and for advertisement use. It is also good to research, as it is an incredibly important part of the initial stages in any illustration profession, from comic book illustrators, freelancers, visual arts directors, and many more roles.


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