Monday 22 September 2014

What's Non-Narrative Illustration?

Non-narrative illustration is for example, illustration for such items/things as fashion, album artwork, packaging, toys, editorial, and many other commercial applications.
Some of these topics, (such as music album artwork), tie into my brief, and because of this I will research these markets in depth at a later date.

This module is different to my previous module, which was entitled narrative illustration, not to be confused.

The images below feature great examples of what non-narrative illustration is. < image reference at this link. < image reference at this link. < image reference at this link. < image reference at this link.

This sector in illustration is a very large part of industry, and in another blog feature, I will be discussing this in-depth. 
Wherever you go, you will no doubt see many items and products, featuring designs and illustrations. This is just an overview, and introduction to the massive sector, and what it means.

Over the next few weeks, you will see this blog delve into the world, of non-narrative illustration.


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