Monday 22 September 2014

Brief Overview

Today I received my third module brief, and it is a debut brief for my second year, after progressing onto level 5 illustration.

The brief is all based around the module of non-narrative illustration. This is in a similar connection, (but not to be confused), to the previous narrative illustration module from last term, in level 4.

The official brief states the following:

  • "Through a self initiated concept, you must represent the music and artist of a chosen album, from the list provided."
  • "Research your chosen artist, album, and market; build your own conceptual ideas around your analysis and solutions."
  • "Document and evaluate personal progression and evidence of theoretical enquiry, technical skills development, and commercial viability."
  • "This must be supported by a final conclusion and description of your overriding concept in your journal."

For this non-narrative module, I will produce the following work:

(Most of the task work includes several different options for each part, so I will need to think these through carefully).

- The packaging for a CD, or a vinyl record.
- A fashion editorial or an interview editorial.
- A product, for example, home-wear, toys, or stationary etc.
- An A2 advertisement poster, which will be in printed, and digitally presented illustrative formats.

An important sidenote, is that all the work must be produced for a contemporary audience, and I can also tie them into each other, if I wish to, which I think I might.

I will be examining the brief more over the next few hours, in order to decide where I need to go next, and how I will go about managing to successfully complete the module criteria.

This module will also be highlighting the importance of concepts, which the class discussed in depth with Ben, during a visual culture theory session, and then again with Amy, as she handed out our new briefs.


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