Thursday 16 October 2014

Album Cover Development #6 (Back Cover)

I mentioned in one of my earlier album concept blogs, that I would be focusing on the development of the back cover, after the concept for the front cover had been developed.

I chose to create my two sided album design in two parts, because I felt like I had more control over development, as I could focus all my energy and thoughts on one piece at a time.

This is just how I work, and of course the back cover will work in the same theme and style as the front cover.
When the front and back covers are 'stitched' together through the use of photoshop, it will appear seamless.

I will be using multiple themes from my earlier concepts, such as the theme of nature, and paranoia, to create a few back cover design concepts.

The back cover concepts can be found below this text, and since the design theme for the album has already been established, the back cover concepts will take less time to assemble, compared to the front cover, which all began from scratch.

Concept #1:

For the first design, I worked again on elements of paranoia, as I think it is a very strong theme. 
I also did this as I really think the imagery of eyes is highly contemporary, and it just seems to work very well with the album.
I really enjoy drawing these eyes, and I receive a lot of praise for it, which I enjoy too.


Concept #2:

For this slightly different approach, I still used the strong imagery of eyes, basing it on the theme of paranoia. 
However, instead of creating multiple small eyes, I condensed them all into one, large, singular eye, and incorporated the typography into the illustration.
This is a very powerful concept, because it is incredibly eye catching, (excuse the pun), and also in a way, quite hypnotising to look at.

When I look at this concept, it personally makes me feel quite uneasy, as there is a huge eye looking at me. 
This is the approach that I wanted to take, as I wanted to pass the theme of paranoia onto the consumer, I really am happy with this idea.


Concept #3:

This back cover concept is more of a direct approach to the album.
The song 'Hounds of Love' has a lyric in the song which states, 'I found a Fox caught by dogs'.
I thought about including the imagery of the fox, as I think the fox has a deeper meaning.


Concept #4:

I love this design, as I feel it draws the eyes into the centre of the illustration.
This is where the concept labels the albums track list.

The white text on the black background really adds a good level of contrast, allowing this information to be easily seen.


Concept #5:

I really love this concept idea, as it is based off an earlier concept that I decided to exclude from being the front cover, in favour for the wreath-like design showing imagery of eyes, referring to the theme of paranoia, and being watched.

I could work the typography into this illustration, which is something that I will will work.



In the end I decided to base my rear cover design off concept #5.
I wanted to tweak the design a bit, so I arranged the leaves (and text), and incorporated some elements of typography into the illustration.
I really like this rear cover, as it uses a design that I personally really like, and presents the information in an elegant, an uncluttered way.

Below is my final rear cover, for the album.


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