Sunday 26 October 2014

Final Poster Design

My poster designs for the album, 'Hounds of Love', are now fully complete.
As the brief states, there needs to be two digital versions of the poster. 

As a bonus, I will be printing my A2 version of the poster out to scale, and will be including it with my hand in box.

Criteria from the brief.
The first version is one that is in an A2 format.
The second version is one to be submitted digitally in a square format, that is 400px x 400px, at a resolution of 72dpi.

A2 Poster:

Poster with bleed, if you look you can see guidelines in each corner.

My poster is also included as a print out, and can be seen in my hand in box.
For the digitally submitted file, I added a 5mm bleed to my poster, using Adobe Photoshop.

Adding a bleed in photoshop.

As you can see by the ruler, there is a 5mm bleed.

The size of the canvas is exactly A2, but the image had to be shrunk down in order to incorporate the bleed.


Square Poster (400x400 px):

Initial square format with text.

In industry, it is often common when developing a poster, to produce a square based version, to be used as a thumbnail. Initially I simply cropped my poster, and downscaled it to match the required aspect ratio.
However, I realised that the text was a big issue, as it was very hard to see. I had two choices, I could make the text bigger, however there was a risk of taking away the boldness of the design, and also of it still being difficult to read.
The other choice, was to remove the text completely, as I felt that the image was strong enough to not require the dependence on typography.
The updated square format poster can be seen below.


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