Friday 24 October 2014

Editorial Development #4 (Digital Manipulation)

The next stage to help me come up with a final editorial illustration, is the experimentation with digital manipulation.

I have used Photoshop a lot in this module.
It is software that is industry standard, so I feel I should get more familiar with the software because it is a staple in industry.

Photoshop allows the user to do almost anything to an image, and with a wide range of features and ways to edit visuals, It makes sense to use Photoshop as part of my development.

For this section, I have scanned all of my chosen concepts into individual Photoshop files, where I have then gone onto tweak such aspects as depth, contrast, and colour.

I will now highlight my first chosen concept, followed by the other concepts chosen in editorial development #3, (refining concepts).

Concept #2:



This manipulation trial has allowed me to come up an incredibly striking illustration.
By again manipulating the colour settings of the image, I was able to reduce the amount of cyan, yellow, and black, which allowed the magenta hues to stand out, and become more prominent.

This manipulation in my opinion make the illustration quite, 'crazy'. The pink I felt could reflect her femininity, and also the two tone grey and pink tone seems to work incredibly well together.


Concept: #3:



For this digital manipulation, I used the solarise filter found in the settings of photoshop. I knew that by applying this transformation, it would cause the colour tones to invert.

This in my opinion, allows for a much more bolder image, and has an element of fear in it, as the negative version seems much more 'darker', than the original. This matches the album, as there is a lot of 'dark' songs on it.


Concept #6:


Using the photoshop filter called, wind, I was able to create the illusion of wind distorting the image, from right to left. I really like this manipulation, as it creates the illusion of motion. This motion theme could refer to her movements in dance, as I have observed her through her numerous music videos, and I am very surprised by the fact that she can do all sorts of exquisite movements, and poses, incredibly quickly. I love her dancing, I think Kate Bush is great at this, and I feel that through certain styles of dancing, it helps to set the tone more for the music.


This blog was meant to see what photoshop could allow me to achieve, through digital manipulation.
I will now be moving onto choosing my editorial concept, to progress with toward my final illustration design.


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