Wednesday 15 October 2014

Poster Development #4 (Digital Manipulation)

In order to progress with the development of my A2 poster to promote the album, I wanted to see what some of my chosen concepts would look like after being digitally manipulated.

Using photoshop really worked well in the development of my album cover, so I am hoping that it will have a similar effect on the production of my poster.

I started the further development of my poster by scanning the concepts into Adobe Photoshop, and editing the CYMK settings of each individual image.
Altering the colours and properties of the images always ends up coming out with interesting results, and applying this on my poster concepts has made for some strange appearances.

I will start by talking about the first concept that I digitally manipulated, this was concept #1.

Concept #1:



By tweaking the level of cyan, I was able to change the black tones, to blue tones. I like this effect as it has turned the night into day, by changing the colour of the sky.

Concept #2:


Tweaking the levels of yellow, and then bringing down most of the cyan and magenta, I was able to create a very bold look. The yellow and black combination is so eye catching, and stands out a lot more than the pre-edited version.

Concept #3:


I did not like the rough uneven pen marks that could be seen on the background, so by making the level of black in the CYMK settings more intense. I was able to rid the design of the textured marks.

In the next blog, I will be choosing a concept to progress with, as my final A2 poster.


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