Thursday 9 October 2014

Album Cover Development #5 (Choosing a Concept)

For the album cover, I originally came up with quite a few different concepts.
After progressing onto each concept stage, some designs were discarded, and some were refined and tweaked, using such manipulation software as Adobe Photoshop.

I believe that I have chosen some concept ideas/styles, that I wish to progress further, as my final cover.
This design will also influence my rear cover design, as it will carry the same style.

The design was an idea that I came up with in the earlier concepts, and also one that I received praise for off multiple people.

It involves the combination of such themes as natural forms, and paranoia.
These themes may not seem at first like a accurate way to represent the album, however, I think it is a really good idea, and one that has taken some thinking and developing.

The eyes that appear in the design, refer to the 'thing', that is coming for her (Kate), through the trees.
This is featured in the song 'Hounds of Love.
'I wanted to highlight, and place emphasis on the element of paranoia that Kate seems to be experiencing in the lyrics, as well as the music video.

The imagery of leaves, represent the trees that the 'thing' is coming through, in order to get to Kate.
It is also reference to other songs on the album, as a lot of tracks have a theme of nature.
For example, the tracks 'Cloudbursting', 'The Big Sky', 'And Dream of Sheep', 'Under Ice', 'Hello Earth', and 'The Morning Fog'.

I really like the black ink and white look, and I have taken the inspiration to use this style in my designs and concepts, from the illustrator, Kerby Rosanes.
I researched him in an earlier blog.

I have really enjoyed working with photoshop to manipulate, and experiment with my concepts.
I would like to try to implement photoshop manipulation into my final album design.


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