Thursday 30 October 2014

Elly Walton - Editorial Illustrator < image reference at this link.

Elly Walton is an English editorial illustrator based in Derby, which is in the UK.
She is an established illustrator, who has had over 10 years of experience, and prior to her illustration role, she was an art director for several advertising agencies.

Her work contains a lot of traditional medium use, and she also uses digital software in her work.

She has had a number of magazine editorial clients, ranging from the likes of Which?, MacFormat, Moneywise, Waitress Weekend, PC Pro, The Guardian, Timeout London, and Thomas Cook. < image reference at this link. < image reference at this link.
The illustrations above featured on both pages, were featured in an article discussing the catering of the London 2012 Olympic Games, and was included in an editorial format called 'Delicious Magazine'. < image reference at this link.

Other clients spanning different sectors, which include books, include Ransom Publishing, and Crown House Publishing.

Her awards include:
  • AOI "Images" Jury-selected annual 29, 31
  • Cream "Best illustration in a print ad" Silver
  • Creativematch "Flair" winner 2010, 2012 < image reference at this link.

Her contact information can be seen on the illustration above, which is featured at the link provided via the caption.

I really like her work, it has a heavily cartoon appearance to it, which is a style that I like.
Some of her work features the usage of 'flat' design styles as well, it is worth noting.
This design style is common in today's fashion, so she has adapted her self to move with fashion. < blog research, referenced at this link.


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