Monday 20 October 2014

Editorial Development #3 (Refining Concepts)

In the last blog developing on the subject of editorial illustration, I created a number of different editorial concept designs, based on imagery of the album, as I wanted my illustration to support the article, that being all about the 'Hounds of Love' album, by Kate Bush.

Through this next stage of development, I will pick the concepts that I think have the best chance of working as my final editorial illustration.

In my opinion these are the editorial concepts that I feel work the best out of all of my concepts.

Concept #2:

The concept above, I originally created for the development of my 'Hounds of Love' album cover, I did end up using the design on a part of my final album, as you can see on the rear cover.

Illustration used on the rear album cover.

I really do like this design though, and I do feel that it will work really well as a stand alone editorial illustration.
It ties in well with the album choice.


Concept #3:

This concept incorporates several themes taken from the album, and like concept #2, has a very similar look to the album cover design.

The imagery of the hound, is taken directly from my interpretation of the song 'Hounds of Love', and like the leaf, it is border-less, as the eyes define the edges and lines of the image.

It is very contemporary, which is a must for my editorial illustration.


Concept #6:

My last chosen concept again uses themes taken from the song 'Hounds of Love', with the imagery of eyes symbolising paranoia.
There are themes taken from the song 'Hello Earth' which can be seen in the background of space, and the circle containing the eyes is supposed to refer to the shape of the Earth.


In the next stage of development, I will be putting my chosen concepts through experimentation, using digital manipulation via Adobe Photoshop.


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