Thursday 2 October 2014

Album Cover Development #4, (Digital Manipulation)

I have taken a few of my album concepts that I like, and scanned them into Adobe Photoshop to use digital manipulation to 'enhance' the images, and tweak such aspects as the colour, sharpness, and the contrast.

For all of the illustrations, I went into the colour settings, adjusting the CYMK of each image.


Concept #1



For this image, I manipulated the CYMK settings of the colour.
I changed the black background into a purple shade, which as a result also smoothed out the pen strokes, making the colour more solid.

I really like this manipulation, as the purple still matches the night theme, and I love how it has given the eye more definition.


Concept #2



I exaggerated the levels of Cyan in this edit, which changed the colours in the background from the original yellow and blue.


Concept #3



The original colour of the image was black and white, and through manipulation I was able to change this into red and white.

This edited version makes me think of the themes of  love, and danger.
Something which red is often the symbol of.


Concept #4



Originally this illustration contained no colour, however with the magic of Photoshop, I was able to add a level of colour to the image.


Conept #5



By tweaking the colours of the image, I was able to change all the colours of the eyes.
For example, green becomes a shade of yellow, blue a shade of pink, and brown becomes a bit darker, with a hint of red.


Concept #6




I really like the outcome of some of these concepts. I think I will use Photoshop as a tool, to work toward my final front cover design, which will influence my back cover design.

I am working on my back cover after the creation of my front cover, so I can focus on one design at a time.
Of course the back cover will have the same theme as the front, and once both of them are completed, they will be 'stitched' together using photoshop.

I created this concept above, as a mock up of how a digitally manipulated design would look like next to typography.
This sketch is just a concept, so it may not appear like this, however it shows a good example of how Photoshop can be used to manipulate the illustration, and with the square shape of the image, as well this resembles what a final album cover may look like.


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