Thursday 23 October 2014

Screenprinting Issues

Today I went into the print room to discuss the process of getting my product, and album cover screen printed, in order for both items to be as professional looking as possible. < image reference at this link.

However, after myself and Jade examined my photoshop file, Jade pointed out that the very fine detail, particularly the detail in the eyes of the design, would be almost impossible to screen print, due to the size, and complexity.
She said that the mesh would have issues with the inking process, and that most likely, very little ink would work its way to fill the detail of the iris.

An example of the level of detail in my final illustrations.

Because of this unexpected issue, (which for the record I will learn from in the future, when planning to screen print a design), I have opted to not go ahead with screen printing any of my items for the brief, as they all contain intricate levels of detail.
I am saddened by this, I will however screenprint an image within the module, so I can say that I have tried, and successfully experimented with the screenprinting process, one that I am eager to learn more about.

I will update in a future blog.


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