Thursday 23 October 2014

Product Development #6 (Final Product)

All of my product development has led up to this conclusive blog, which features my final product design.

My product of choice to develop upon for the brief, was that of a limited edition ticket, for a hypothetical Kate Bush concert.
I researched everything that I felt I needed to, from screen printing, to ticket size, and contents.

Studying ticket dimensions for research.

I feel that my product development has really aided me in coming up with a contemporary design that both compliments the product, whilst also complementing, and suiting the artist.

From the very start of the product development, I knew that the design needed to be very important, as it has to be able to entice customers.

The final design combines typography, with a two tone colour scheme, and themes that refer to a number of songs found on the album that it was based on.
The rear design resembled the front, and I left some space available in order to incorporate ticket information, such as the venue, seat number, and date.

I believe that my final design has a contemporary appearance, and this is mandatory to match both my audience, as well as fit the criteria of the non-narrative brief.

The front of the ticket, like the back, has a split two tone black and white appearance, with one half in white, and the other in black.
I used a leaf brush tool to provide some visual appeal to the black side of the ticket, and leaves incorporate the album's theme, as you can see this across all of my existing concepts and developments, not just in the product blogs.

Front of my illustrative based ticket.

The illustration on the right side is directly influenced by my developmental concepts, and incorporates typography into the illustration.

The rear of the ticket is very important to the design, as it is the side of my ticket that will highlight all of the event information, as well as the barcode and the event company logo.

Rear of my ticket.

To help with the development of the rear of the ticket, I looked at some existing tickets by the 'Arctic Monkeys', as well as an official Kate Bush 'Before the Dawn' concert ticket I found online.

Arctic Monkeys ticket. < image reference at this link.

I noticed that certain pieces of information on the ticket stood out more than others.
For example, such important info as the date, event, seating location, as well as the artist/band name, were larger in size, and often in a bolder setting.
I incorporated this information on my ticket, using what I learnt from the example tickets, and also took into account the font.
The font I wanted to resemble that of the album, poster and editorial, however I wanted the text to be very legible and clear.
I used some of the stylised text on such information as the artist's name, however stuck to a very clear font for the other information.

The font from the original 'Hounds of Love' album is the pink text, whilst the font used on my album/poster/ticket, can be seen underneath. My font type was called 'Apple Chancery Chancery'.

There are barcodes featured on both example tickets as well, and I thought it would be professional to place one on my product as well.
I went online to a barcode generator, in order to come up with a barcode for my ticket. < image reference at this link.
Inputing in the words Hounds Of Love, allows me to come up with a professional looking barcode, which can be seen below. < image reference at this link.

This barcode will be placed directly on the reverse side of my ticket, near the event info.

I aim to have my final ticket screen printed.
I have already talked to Jade about how I could go about with the process, so I will create a new blog when the time comes to print the product.


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